Economic Value We Create
In 2023, we were able to generate Php 67.6 billion in direct economic value, primarily composed of revenues. Sales for the year amounted to Php 67.1 billion, growing by 8% year-on-year due to the continued resilience of the Branded business.
85% Payments to Suppliers and Other Operating Costs
Most of the value we generated was distributed across procurement, production, and manufacturing costs. This amounted to Php 57.4 billion in 2023.
4% Employee Wages & Benefits
We distributed 4% of the value we generated as wages, salaries, and benefits to our employees, amounting to Php 2.6 billion in 2023.
2% Taxes Given to Government
In 2023, we distributed Php 1.3 billion in taxes to the government.
3% Payment to Providers of Capital
We increased dividends by 11% in 2023 to Php 40 centavos per share. In total, dividends amounting to Php 1.4 billion were distributed to our shareholders for the year. We also paid Php 354 million in interest payments to our loan providers.
7% Economic Value Retained
Of the Php 67.6 billion economic value that was generated, 7% was retained by the company to reinvest in operations, long-term growth opportunities, and sustainability initiatives.