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“Essential to our strategy going forward is our sustainability and ability to balance the needs of all our stakeholders. We believe that sustainability—whether coming up with healthier products, taking care of our people and communities, or being good stewards of our resources—is essential to our longevity. We believe our commitment to responsible business will change the complexion and character of our business in a good way and will future-proof our enterprise.”

Executive Chairman

President and CEO

Our Sustainability Focus

Having embraced sustainability as part of our company’s way of doing business, we further intensified our efforts, responsibly delivering our commitments to customers and consumers while working on areas for improvement that are important to various stakeholders of the Company. Our Sustainability Framework guides our initiatives as it identifies these focus areas and provides a roadmap for our sustainability activities.

Sustainability Framework and 2023 Highlights

Protein Delivery


New fortified products launched under the Ligo brand

2.5 Billion

Number of products sold in (domestic retail) across the Philippines
(2022: 2.5 billion)

31 million

Kilograms of protein in products sold
(2022: 31 million kg)


New fortified products launched under the Ligo brand


Products with enhanced the nutrient profile, Birch Tree Adult Boost, unMEAT, 555 Tuna, Choco Hero, and Hunt’s


12.4 million

Number of Protein Servings delivered to partner communities through Kain Po (2022: 10 million) 

31 million

Kilograms of protein in products sold
(2022: 31 million kg)

124 thousand

Number of Milk Servings delivered to beneficiaries through Daily Dairy (2022: 10 million)

~144K doors

Direct points of sale covered (+7%)


Number of CNPF export countries (2022: 75)

Consumption of Healthy Food


Products launched using new Inspire Labelling in 2023

Healthy Supportive Environment

Birch Tree Advance Barangay Caravan

Purchases Assessment

Supplier Credibility

Tuna Sustainability 100% compliance to ISSF conservation measures

100% of current active suppliers signed and acknowledged the Supplier Code of Conduct & Ethics as a requirement to work with CNPF

Raw Materials Traceability

100% traceability of fish and cocounut back to fishing grounds and farms

Planet Preservation

Natural Resource Efficiency


Change in water intensity vs prior year


Change in water intensity vs baseline year


Change in energy intensity vs prior year


Change in energy intensity vs baseline year

Environmental Impact Management


of power requirement sourced from renewable energy at largest manufacturing hub


Change in GHG intensity vs previous year


Net Zero Plastic Waste Brands ahead of EPR


Mangrove Trees planted in coastal areas in General Santos


Of materials used are from renewable sources


Of waste diverted from disposal

People Development

Professional and Personal Growth


Total Jobs supported across CNPF value chain

Diversity and Inclusion


Male – Female Split

5 out of 6

of our manufacturing divisions are headed by women.

Workplace Safety

4.64 million

Safe manhours

Community Development

1 million

Coconut trees planted and donated to smallholder coconut farmers in Mindanao (completed in 2022)

Excellence in Governance: CNPF Earns Triple Golden Arrow Recognition

CNPF has been distinguished this year with the prestigious Golden Arrow Award from the Institute of Corporate Directors (ICD). This accolade, part of the ASEAN Corporate Governance Scorecard (ACGS) Golden Arrow Awards, recognizes CNPF’s adherence to the highest standards of corporate governance. The award evaluates companies on critical parameters including the promotion of shareholder rights, equitable treatment, commitment to transparency, accountability, and the role of the board in strategic guidance and management oversight. Receiving three Golden Arrows this year, up from one in the previous year, marks a significant milestone for CNPF and underscores the company’s dedication to continuous improvement. This recognition reflects CNPF’s integrated approach to sustainability within its corporate governance framework, striving to deliver not only on financial performance but also on environmental stewardship and social responsibility.

Economic Value We Create

In 2023, we were able to generate Php 67.6 billion in direct economic value, primarily composed of revenues. Sales for the year amounted to Php 67.1 billion, growing by 8% year-on-year due to the continued resilience of the Branded business.